A287644 (The maximal number of transversals in a diagonal Latin square of order N; confirmed)
A287645 (The minimal number of transversals in a diagonal Latin square of order N; confirmed)
A287647 (The minimal number of diagonal transversals in a diagonal Latin square of order N; confirmed)
A287648 (The maximal number of diagonal transversals in a diagonal Latin square of order N; confirmed)
A287651 (The number of reduced pairs of orthogonal diagonal Latin squares of order N; updated)
A287695 (The maximal number of normalized diagonal Latin squares that can be orthogonal to the same diagonal Latin square of order N; confirmed)
A287764 (The number of main classes of diagonal Latin squares of order N; rechecked)
A307163 (The minimal number of intercalates in a diagonal Latin square of order N; confirmed)
A307164 (The maximal number of intercalates in a diagonal Latin square of order N; confirmed)
A309210 (The number of main classes of extended self-orthogonal diagonal Latin squares of order N; updated)
A329685 (The number of main classes of self-orthogonal diagonal Latin squares of order N; confirmed)
A330391 (The number of main classes of diagonal Latin squares of order N with at least one orthogonal diagonal mate; updated)
A333366 (The number of main classes of doubly self-orthogonal diagonal Latin squares of order N; confirmed)
A338250 (The number of isomorphism classes of pairs of orthogonal diagonal Latin squares of order N; new)
A339926 (The number of pairs of orthogonal diagonal Latin squares of order N; new)
*Basing on the experiments performed in RakeSearch project,
there were discovered new integer sequences (new),
confirmed previously inexact values (confirmed), and
independently recalculated known values (rechecked).