Computer breakdown by BOINC version

View breakdown by operating system

BOINC version# of active computers% of recent credit
7.20.2 810 29.9081 %
7.24.1 579 19.5126 %
8.0.2 545 16.3616 %
7.16.20 543 15.8154 %
7.16.11 200 9.2065 %
7.22.2 146 4.7378 %
7.14.2 55 1.3231 %
7.15.0 9 1.0177 %
8.0.4 40 0.9116 %
8.0.0 8 0.2498 %
7.16.5 11 0.2097 %
7.16.7 18 0.1466 %
7.20.1 6 0.1174 %
8.0.3 4 0.1158 %
7.16.6 5 0.1022 %
7.22.0 11 0.1009 %
7.16.16 2 0.0650 %
7.10.2 2 0.0248 %
7.6.22 2 0.0196 %
7.6.33 4 0.0158 %
8.1.0 3 0.0156 %
7.12.1 1 0.0025 %
7.22.1 1 0.0016 %
7.23.0 1 0.0000 %

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