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Number crunching :
(Message 1815)
Posted 20 Jul 2023 by mikey Post: Are the Badges awarded by a certain number of tasks completed per month or by a certain number of credits earned in a month? Okay thank you very much |
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Number crunching :
(Message 1807)
Posted 8 Jul 2023 by mikey Post: Another nice bird that living in half of Eurasia and Africa. :) Very nice!! Are the Badges awarded by a certain number of tasks completed per month or by a certain number of credits earned in a month? |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
(Message 1806)
Posted 8 Jul 2023 by mikey Post: I thought all that's required is you have a steady flow of work (I believe the requirement is credits awarded every day for the past 40 days, and Boincstats shows you're achieving this). They also don't let you in if there is a possibility of cheating and earning gridcoins you're not entitled to, which I think means you have to have something unusual in the credits system like LHC, which I think gives you points per CPU time rather than work done. People were fiddling it by making their machines look like they had more cores than they had. But AFAIK your project just awards per task completed, which should be fine. Then you need someone with at least 100K gridcoins to start a poll, and provided most people vote yes (I see no reason they wouldn't), you're in. Mikey has 100K coins. Collatz gave a fixed number of credits for each task that was completed so not "per cpu time" and WAS a part of the GC network before it folded. |
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Number crunching :
(Message 1805)
Posted 8 Jul 2023 by mikey Post: As per https://gridcoin.us/wiki/whitelist-process.html#information-for-project-admins Yes I think I can, I never have before but can figure it out |
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Number crunching :
(Message 1789)
Posted 5 Jul 2023 by mikey Post: If Gridcoin adds the project into whitelist it will be good for computing. But I not sure that all requirements can be performed. I'm sorry to hear that, what can we do to help you guys meet them? We are losing Boinc Projects, and Gridcoin Projects as well, and it would be nice if we could add some back in again. |
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Number crunching :
(Message 1748)
Posted 29 Mar 2023 by mikey Post: It yellow, blue, white and black colored bird. :) What tasks do I have to run to get the monthly badge? Is it any task or a particular kind of task? Thank you for any help |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
can't get tasks for my Win7 machine as it says
(Message 1712)
Posted 31 Oct 2022 by mikey Post: "Scheduler request failed: SSL connect error" I have even tried clearing the SSL stuff using the inetcpl.cpl command line and it still doesn't work As for updating my pc it's just too old of a version to do that so I guess I'm stuck either switching to Linux or not crunching here with it |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
can't get tasks for my Win7 machine as it says
(Message 1711)
Posted 30 Oct 2022 by mikey Post: "Scheduler request failed: SSL connect error" my clock is upto date, I have the site listed as an exception in the a/v, I'm using the latest ver of Boinc 7.20.2 |
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News :
Будущее проекта RakeSearch (Ru)
(Message 1584)
Posted 25 Feb 2022 by mikey Post: Sorry for inexpected Russian text ;) but I had to duplicate the project status news in Russian, because many people do not speak English. At this moment it is important that everyone understands the status. I am using Google and it is not offering to translate into English, do you know where to do that? I am at the latest version. Chrome is up to date Version 98.0.4758.102 (Official Build) (64-bit) Thanks mikey |
Message boards :
News :
SAT-CMS-based search badge!
(Message 1397)
Posted 8 Sep 2020 by mikey Post: Congrats to all the badge earners. I'm a little bummed because I crunched and crunched, but didn't find an SAT-CMS pair. (Really wanted that badge! :) ) I hope so!!! |
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