Sunday graphs from 2018-07-22

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Message 482 - Posted: 22 Jul 2018, 8:14:03 UTC

Dear crunchers!

Enjoy once more the results of distributed computing power project! The new bunch of graphs were published on preliminary results page. One of them is very tiny, another - one of the biggest, one small size graph with relatively high density (high number of edges between vertices), one small size and three medium size graphs with lower density. If you are interested in graph properties you can read an wiki-article about density of graphs.

[R9_000109119/01] - 132 vertices and 725 edges.

[R9_000109119/02] - 31 vertices and 83 edges.

[R9_000109531/01] - 18 vertices and 81 edges.

[R9_000109531/02] - 142 vertices and 1264 edges.

[R9_000109595/01] - 181 vertices and 1381 edges.

[R9_000109949/01] - 44160 vertices and 231744 edges. Also we can see an animation (4.5 Mb) of gradual drawing of this graph.

[R9_000111317/01] - 6 vertices and 7 edges.

Thank you for participation!
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Message boards : News : Sunday graphs from 2018-07-22

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