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Message 471 - Posted: 14 Jul 2018, 11:07:12 UTC

Dear crunchers!

This summer is fruitful, and we announce several newly discovered graphs. It is a joy that graph #81 looks like a football ball. We wish all of you good luck, and special luck for those who watch the world championship and cheer for favorite teams! Here is our local list of kicked goals:

[R9_000101494_01] - 18 vertices and 32 edges.

[R9_000101494_02] - 150 vertices and 1194 edges.

[R9_000101684_01] - 292 vertices and 1882 edges.

[R9_000105284_02] - 108 vertices and 1122 edges.

[R9_000106375_02] - 368 vertices and 1864 edges.

[R9_000106516_02] - 80 vertices and 1864 edges.

[R9_000108783_02] - 29 vertices and 84 edges.

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Message boards : News : New graphs discovered!

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