Next 9 of graph types

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Message 430 - Posted: 3 Jun 2018, 20:50:53 UTC
Last modified: 13 Jul 2018, 21:02:55 UTC

Dear folks!

The next set of graph types was published on preliminary results page! It consist of 9 samples:

[R9_000046266/01] - consist of 56 vertices and 360 edges. Vertices of this graph broken on core and two branches. Inside core we can see group of 16 vertices, located in "central circle", outer ring of another 16 vertices, and 4 vertices which a base for two branches. Each of vertex from "circle" linked with all 16 vertices from outer ring and 4 vertices from branch base but no any links exist between them! In consequence, each of 16 vertices of outer ring linked with all vertices in "central circle". Vertices in branches base - also.

[R9_000046266/02] - 78 vertices and 448 edges forms "arm" and "body" which are build from belts of vertices. Vertices in each belt linked with vertices in near belts.

[R9_000046269/02] - 32 vertices and 256 edges. Each vertex from rim connected to all verices in center and each vertex in center connected with all "rim vertices". And no any links exist between vertices inside center.

[R9_000046269/04] - 16 vertices and 28 edges. "Ray-like" figure from two central vertices and three "rays" outgoing from them.

[R9_000046269/05] - 18 vertices and 40 edges. "Arm", "body", "horns". :) Unusual figure!

[R9_000047793/01] - 104 vertices and 644 edges. Interesting combination of two "belts" into "core", "rays" and "horns"! What is it? :)

[R9_000047793/02] - 80 vertices and 688 edges. Big insect?

[R9_000047796/02] - 28 vertices and 96 edges. Another challenge for naming!

[R9_000047796/04] - 16 vertices and 64 edges. Vertices in "central belt" linked with all vertices in left and right "belts".
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Message 431 - Posted: 4 Jun 2018, 8:34:53 UTC

The graph in Fig. 63 is a bat!
ID: 431 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive     Reply Quote

Message boards : News : Next 9 of graph types

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