Weekend news, 5 new types of graphs discovered!

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Message 407 - Posted: 19 May 2018, 8:03:41 UTC
Last modified: 19 May 2018, 9:20:37 UTC

Dear folks!

We present the next 5 types of graphs, discovered in RakeSearch project.

The first one [R9_000040159/01] looks like a flower. Many squares of this set are orthogonal to the 2 squares, placed in the center of the graph, and during the drawing graph edges formed a "petal figure". 32 verticles and 62 edges are necessary for the growth of this flower. :)

The second one [R9_000040275/01] - is big, second by size in entire set of graphs, that found in project today. 61824 verticles and 374064 edges construct a net with several "centers of gravity" linked by bunches of edges. Also we can see animation (8.3 Mb) with filling of this graph.

The third one [R9_000040835/01] - comprises from 154 verticles and 1263 edges (5th by size on today!) emerging to ... a jungle flower?

The forth one [R9_000040839/02] brings us to mind the animals of ancient life of Earth. Only 16 verticles and 34 edges form it.

The fifth one [R9_000041622/02] looks like significantly more modern object! Satellite? :) 24 squares fastened by 84 relationships of orthogonality are needed for build this "space telescope".

And in the end, we congratulate all participants of the 9th BOINC Pentathlon with finishing this challenge! Winners, who crunched millions of tasks and teams that completed at least one workunit! Distributed computing is remarkable and extraordinary feature of our time. And we hope that now we see only the first leaves of it.
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Message boards : News : Weekend news, 5 new types of graphs discovered!

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