Upgrade of project server infrastructure

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Message 400 - Posted: 5 May 2018, 6:59:33 UTC
Last modified: 5 May 2018, 7:01:35 UTC

Hello folks!

We congratulate everyone with the start of 9th BOINC Pentathlon! And we have another reason for high spirits - yesterday's upgrade of the project server infrastructure! Some hardware in the news!

1. DRAM banks and CPU for server upgrade:

2. Server with VM of our project (in center, second from the top):

3. Servers rack (many of units are empty, but in the lower half there is a blade system of a computing cluster) and the power unit:

4. Rackmount server. We faced a socket without a heatsink (in some servers heatsinks are supplied for all sockets, in some - not) and yesterday completed a first stage of the "upgrade plan": server memory was replaced by new banks of twice larger volume. After the search of a heatsink will be completed, the second CPU will be installed with the original DRAM banks (in one way or another in DRAM slots) if the motherboard allows such configuration. Otherwise we install these DRAM banks into another server. After new DRAM installation and expanding memory of the project VM, we were able to increase MySQL caches for rows storage and processing. Hope that this makes project server work more fast, smooth and predictable.
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Message boards : News : Upgrade of project server infrastructure

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