May 2020 totals!

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Message 1316 - Posted: 6 Jun 2020, 12:11:31 UTC
Last modified: 6 Jun 2020, 17:13:32 UTC

Dear folks, we close to completing the search!

In the last days of May the last portion of workunits were generated and most of them completed at now. After completion of all tasks we will summarize the search results but now - the last totals of the month! Computers of 168 participants found pairs with high degree of orthogonality and our warm congratulations to:

[AF>Amis de la Mer] ComteZera (L'Alliance Francophone) and pi,
KWSN-SpongeBob SquarePants (The Knights Who Say Ni!) and rz,
[AF>Amis des Lapins] Ceclo (L'Alliance Francophone) and d7s,
[AF>Libristes]MortelKni (L'Alliance Francophone) and Ron,
Byron Leigh Hatch @ team Carl Sagan (Carl Sagan) and john,
[AF>Libristes]cguillem (L'Alliance Francophone) and joel,
[AF>Libristes] Elorak (L'Alliance Francophone) and KySU,
Brian Minear (University of Colorado, Boulder) and Mite,
Международная база наблюдений комет (Karelia) and ladmo,
[AF>HFR>MPT]vortex31 (L'Alliance Francophone) and jorio,
Karelian Center for Gender Studies (Karelia) and ccpmc,
Филипп Михайлович Домбровский-Кабанченко and cbc22,
darclaw (Sorry for Grand Ol' Partying) and Geoff,
[AF>EDLS]zOU (L'Alliance Francophone) and i ball,
[VENETO]francesco.nandi (BOINC.Italy) and AxiomD,
Technik007[CZ] (Czech National Team) and kraDen,
UBT - Chris Suddick (UK BOINC Team) and Igor G,
LeChat51X (L'Alliance Francophone) and Skyfli,
Duce H_K_ (L'Alliance Francophone) and yippee,
Steve Dodd (The Planetary Society) and Heikki,
Ian (NapierNimbus) (UK BOINC Team) and Dakkar,
Rhodan71 (L'Alliance Francophone) and arkiss,
Thyler Durden@P3D (Planet 3DNow!) and manfred,
Alexander Morávek (SETIKAH@KOREA) and WilyFox,
Ron Shurtz [BlackOps] (SETI.USA) and gardvor,
owensse (The Planetary Society) and lehndal,
fzs600 (L'Alliance Francophone) and Leonmer,
Fire$torm [BlackOps] (SETI.USA) and mcf2020,
Patrick Schmeer (SETI.Germany) and Merowig,
Птицы Петрозаводска (Karelia) and Delgamj, (Karelia) and Spectrum,
ChelseaOilman (UK BOINC Team) and sad FX55,
Theadalus (Dutch Power Cows) and yuryInOz,
Shaman (Czech National Team) and tim1988b,
asterix78 (Dutch Power Cows) and Pagliacci,
[SG-2W]Kurzer (SETI.Germany) and Hightower,
ShmyaCluster (Crystal Dream) and DRandolph,
boceli (Czech National Team) and Drumheller,
[B@P] Daniel (BOINC@Poland) and koronabora,
stoneageman (XtremeSystems) and neocortix_0,
Astronomy.Karelia (Karelia) and Mark Sechin,
Brokn(Futr) (SETIKAH@KOREA) and AlexxSaigon,
[SGa]HeNiNnG (SETI.Germany) and Roger Merkl,
respawner ( and GreyWanderer,
Ralfy (BOINC Confederation) and Rene Schimmer,
JLSchro* (Sicituradastra.) and G. C. Greubel,
ReaDy (Astronomy.Ru Forum) and robert.mouris,
Lycidas (BOINC@Heidelberg) and Keith Honkonen,
Paolo D'Arco (BOINC.Italy) and JJAR (Santopol),
[SG] Nexuss (SETI.Germany) and schoussi (idle),
Roadranner (SETI.Germany) and vs (TSC! Russia),
LCB001 (Hardware Canucks) and MichaelLang (JAA),
hoarfrost (Crystal Dream) and belrassi@P4_3_GHz,
[H]auntjemima ([H]ardOCP) and d1st (Russia Team),
Dacicus Geometricus (USA) and NeoGen (AMD Users),
DeleteNull (SETI.Germany) and Christos Despotakis,
Sengieffe (UK BOINC Team) and ИСУ ПБиОТ (Karelia),
Senilix ( and Ufol (BOINC@Poland),
gingavasalata (Hrvatska) and SPI68 (TSC! Russia),
HenkM (Dutch Power Cows) and keiii420 (Gridcoin),
PrimeRib (SETIKAH@KOREA) and Werinbert (Free-DC),
CoolAtchOk (Russia Team) and KR Center (Karelia),
muzzdiez (SETIKAH@KOREA) and cc-smokey (CC-Team),
nabializm (BOINC@Poland) and Li Yong (Team China),
glennpat (XtremeSystems) and morgan (Team Norway),
Apoctena (SETIKAH@KOREA) and axels (SETI.Germany),
[SG]Felix (SETI.Germany) and genek (BOINC@Poland),
terry mora (The Geezers) and el_teniente (Russia),
ln.morozov (TSC! Russia) and JonS (UK BOINC Team),
Paulteo (Crunching@EVGA) and Darius (BOINC@Poland),
ssjy806 (SETIKAH@KOREA) and Wizardling (Dopefish),
jozef j (Crystal Dream) and Conan (Cobar Spiders),
Kodeks IT (TSC! Russia) and Administrator {12461},
PinkFloyd (Russia Team) and [SG]FX (SETI.Germany),
sergamena (Russia Team) and urban09 (Russia Team),
whizbang (Ars Technica) and lydy1993 (Team China),
amazing (SETIKAH@KOREA) and citerra (Russia Team),
Spritex (BOINC@Denmark) and Administrator {11320},
СУНТД Карелия (Karelia) and JagDoc (Planet 3DNow!),
matsu_pl (BOINC@Poland) and ydeeps (Planet 3DNow!),
Peter (BOINC@AUSTRALIA) and Dirk Broer (AMD Users),
Dingo (BOINC@AUSTRALIA) and Soderstromm (Gridcoin),
sorcrosc (BOINC.Italy) and BOINC.RU (Russia Team),
blitzzkreeg (Gridcoin) and emoga (TeAm AnandTech).

And two pairs with a relatively high degree of orthogonality (89) was found!

The first one found by participant from Karelia team and Theadalus from Dutch Power Cows.
This is the first square of pair:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
9 2 8 5 6 1 0 4 7 3
2 8 1 9 7 3 4 5 0 6
6 5 7 4 0 9 8 3 2 1
7 6 9 8 3 4 2 1 5 0
8 3 0 7 2 6 1 9 4 5
3 7 4 6 9 2 5 0 1 8
5 9 3 2 1 0 7 8 6 4
4 0 5 1 8 7 3 6 9 2
1 4 6 0 5 8 9 2 3 7

and this is the second square:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2 8 1 9 7 3 4 5 0 6
7 6 9 8 3 4 2 1 5 0
3 7 4 6 9 2 5 0 1 8
1 4 6 0 5 8 9 2 3 7
9 2 8 5 6 1 0 4 7 3
5 9 3 2 1 0 7 8 6 4
6 5 7 4 0 9 8 3 2 1
8 3 0 7 2 6 1 9 4 5
4 0 5 1 8 7 3 6 9 2

And the second one found by Птицы Петрозаводска from Karelia team also and schoussi from team idle.
This is the first square of pair:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
4 2 7 1 0 3 9 6 5 8
5 6 1 8 7 9 0 4 3 2
6 7 5 4 9 1 8 0 2 3
2 8 0 9 3 7 1 5 4 6
3 9 8 0 2 6 4 1 7 5
7 3 9 6 8 0 5 2 1 4
9 4 3 5 1 2 7 8 6 0
8 0 6 7 5 4 2 3 9 1
1 5 4 2 6 8 3 9 0 7

and this is the second square:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
6 7 5 4 9 1 8 0 2 3
9 4 3 5 1 2 7 8 6 0
2 8 0 9 3 7 1 5 4 6
8 0 6 7 5 4 2 3 9 1
1 5 4 2 6 8 3 9 0 7
3 9 8 0 2 6 4 1 7 5
4 2 7 1 0 3 9 6 5 8
7 3 9 6 8 0 5 2 1 4
5 6 1 8 7 9 0 4 3 2

May search statistics:
Degree 81: 8266483
Degree 82: 1937063
Degree 83: 407857
Degree 84: 76169
Degree 85: 12319
Degree 86: 1697
Degree 87: 240
Degree 88: 30
Degree 89: 3
Degree 90: 0
Degree 100: 0

And overall search statistics:
Degree 81: 40277413
Degree 82: 9470069
Degree 83: 2006102
Degree 84: 380724
Degree 85: 64298
Degree 86: 10275
Degree 87: 1391
Degree 88: 167
Degree 89: 12
Degree 90: 2
Degree 91: 0
Degree 92: 0
Degree 93: 0
Degree 94: 0
Degree 95: 0
Degree 96: 0
Degree 97: 0
Degree 98: 0
Degree 99: 0
Degree 100: 0

Thank you folks!
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Message boards : News : May 2020 totals!

©2025 The searchers team, Karelian Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences