April 2020 totals

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Message 1282 - Posted: 1 May 2020, 19:29:25 UTC

Dear participants!

The second half of the April 2020 was very productive! Challenge from http://boincstats.com together with the new optimized application, which was made by Daniel from BOINC@Poland have increased project productivity by ~ 3 times! 122839 workunits were completed and the search has crossed the 80% mark! The number of participants whose computers found pairs with a high degree of orthogonality also increased - 196! Our warm congratulations to:

[AF>Amis de la mer] Qingdan (L'Alliance Francophone) and vs,
[AF>Libristes] Davlabedave (L'Alliance Francophone) and rz,
[AF>Amis des Lapins] Ceclo (L'Alliance Francophone) and TL,
Charlie Hartono YouTube 찰리 하토노 李富荣 (Ars Technica) and d7s,
Byron Leigh Hatch @ team Carl Sagan (Carl Sagan) and krc,
[AF>Libristes] clm78990 (L'Alliance Francophone) and appu,
[AF>Libristes]cguillem (L'Alliance Francophone) and john,
Brian Minear (University of Colorado, Boulder) and Mite,
Международная база наблюдений комет (Karelia) and yury,
Karelian Center for Gender Studies (Karelia) and KySU,
[AF>Libristes]Maeda (L'Alliance Francophone) and tahor,
Megacruncher TSBT (The Scottish Boinc Team) and tomo1,
[AF>HFR>RR] alipse (L'Alliance Francophone) and Moose,
scole of TSBT (The Scottish Boinc Team) and M0CZY,
[AF] Skinny06 (L'Alliance Francophone) and RoXoR,
[AF>EDLS]zOU (L'Alliance Francophone) and ladmo,
Technik007[CZ] (Czech National Team) and kt kt,
Michael H.W. Weber (Rechenkraft.net) and jorio,
Bjoern fraun Skaune (BOINC@Denmark) and Geoff,
Egon olsen (Meisterkuehler.de Team) and Игорь,
LeChat51X (L'Alliance Francophone) and rebel9,
davidBAM (The Scottish Boinc Team) and marine,
Ian (NapierNimbus) (UK BOINC Team) and Igor G,
Thyler Durden@P3D (Planet 3DNow!) and Dennis,
Ricardo Magalhaes (Portugal@Home) and karune,
EarlyBird@Zircons (BOINC@Taiwan) and Heikki,
Ron Shurtz [BlackOps] (SETI.USA) and yippee,
joe carnivore (Rechenkraft.net) and arkiss,
alnitak2019 (BOINC@Heidelberg) and kraDen,
Patrick Schmeer (SETI.Germany) and WilyFox,
Птицы Петрозаводска (Karelia) and mcf2020,
http://vk.com/boinc (Karelia) and Leonmer,
Frank [RKN] (Rechenkraft.net) and Delgamj,
RKN-Cluster (Rechenkraft.net) and FTalento,
polarbeardj (Crunching@EVGA) and Robert H,
Tobias Simon (Planet 3DNow!) and tim1988b,
ShmyaCluster (Crystal Dream) and dadocad72,
boceli (Czech National Team) and Timofey123,
Shaman (Czech National Team) and Roger Merkl,
[SG-2W]Kurzer (SETI.Germany) and Mark Sechin,
[B@P] Daniel (BOINC@Poland) and AlexxSaigon,
Astronomy.Karelia (Karelia) and nickmcummins,
Hurricane (BOINC@AUSTRALIA) and fractalsmith,
respawner (Rechenkraft.net) and GreyWanderer,
stoneageman (XtremeSystems) and G. C. Greubel,
robbysites (Crunching@EVGA) and AKolesnichenko,
Ralfy (BOINC Confederation) and thl5282 (E104),
Lee Hee Lak (SETIKAH@KOREA) and Nora-and-Daddy,
MaxAMD400 (Rechenkraft.net) and a (Russia Team),
[SGa]HeNiNnG (SETI.Germany) and Laurent Cheylat,
wmaldito [CO] (CANAL@Boinc) and Vitalii Koshura,
WyerByter (Stephenson Clan) and Russell L Wright,
Fardringle (TeAm AnandTech) and troosh (Gridcoin),
compalex (Rechenkraft.net) and Speculant (4chan),
csbyseti (Rechenkraft.net) and JohanL (BOINC.BE),
[SG] Nexuss (SETI.Germany) and FourOh (SETI.USA),
JLSchro* (Sicituradastra.) and Sphynx (SETI.USA),
GALAX-ZERO (Planet 3DNow!) and Oleg (Russia Team),
Apostol Romanoff-Apostolov and Hoar (Russia Team),
BritishBob (Overclock.net) and NeoGen (AMD Users),
ReaDy (Astronomy.Ru Forum) and artemis8 (SETI.USA),
bellialuss (BOINC@Poland) and Francis Butts (USA),
hoarfrost (Crystal Dream) and KR Center (Karelia),
bluestang (XtremeSystems) and ALI67 (BOINC@Poland),
Roadranner (SETI.Germany) and m4gu5 (SETI.Germany),
Suomi_Jeesukselle (4chan) and purplecfh (SETI.USA),
DeleteNull (SETI.Germany) and Odd-Rod (BOINCstats),
LCB001 (Hardware Canucks) and conf [MM] (SETI.USA),
KPX (Czech National Team) and morgan (Team Norway),
Vincent Dark (Team China) and master (TSC! Russia),
[H]auntjemima ([H]ardOCP) and JonS (UK BOINC Team),
froggen (BOINC@AUSTRALIA) and Derivator (Gridcoin),
Stefan1 (Rechenkraft.net) and genek (BOINC@Poland),
freestman (Chinese Dream) and axels (SETI.Germany),
Bunteck (BOINC@AUSTRALIA) and Jason.He (Team China),
Diffident (Overclock.net) and Administrator {11320},
Dacicus Geometricus (USA) and Gaucho (SETI.Germany),
CoolAtchOk (Russia Team) and Bryan (XtremeSystems),
declis (Rechenkraft.net) and sorcrosc (BOINC.Italy),
glennpat (XtremeSystems) and Dan Sargent (SETI.USA),
muzzdiez (SETIKAH@KOREA) and blitzzkreeg (Gridcoin),
PrimeRib (SETIKAH@KOREA) and X_FISH (Planet 3DNow!),
Daniel (BOINC@AUSTRALIA) and VietOZ (XtremeSystems),
terry mora (The Geezers) and JagDoc (Planet 3DNow!),
nabializm (BOINC@Poland) and Passer (Crystal Dream),
whizbang (Ars Technica) and emoga (TeAm AnandTech),
Freezing (SETI.Germany) and ydeeps (Planet 3DNow!),
jozef j (Crystal Dream) and n3Ro (Rechenkraft.net),
Dingo (BOINC@AUSTRALIA) and BOINC.RU (Russia Team),
ale4316 (Crystal Dream) and СУНТД Карелия (Karelia),
zzuupp (TeAm AnandTech) and Stiwi (Rechenkraft.net),
genseed (Crystal Dream) and 427jmf (Crunching@EVGA),
PinkFloyd (Russia Team) and amazing (SETIKAH@KOREA),
ssjy806 (SETIKAH@KOREA) and citerra (Crystal Dream),
Shmya-2 (Crystal Dream) and Kromflame (BOINC.Italy),
Kodeks IT (TSC! Russia) and ext2097 (SETIKAH@KOREA),
Spritex (BOINC@Denmark) and LordNicky (Russia Team),
sergamena (Russia Team) and shirawa@meow (Team 2ch).

Another pair with a relatively high degree of orthogonality (89) was found by kt kt and Passer from Crystal Dream!

This is the first square:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
9 2 7 6 8 0 4 3 5 1
3 4 1 8 2 7 9 6 0 5
7 9 6 4 5 1 8 0 3 2
2 7 0 5 3 4 1 9 6 8
5 8 9 1 7 6 0 4 2 3
6 3 8 2 0 9 5 1 7 4
4 5 3 9 6 2 7 8 1 0
8 0 4 7 1 3 2 5 9 6
1 6 5 0 9 8 3 2 4 7

and this is the second square:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 6 5 0 9 8 3 2 4 7
8 0 4 7 1 3 2 5 9 6
5 8 9 1 7 6 0 4 2 3
7 9 6 4 5 1 8 0 3 2
4 5 3 9 6 2 7 8 1 0
3 4 1 8 2 7 9 6 0 5
9 2 7 6 8 0 4 3 5 1
6 3 8 2 0 9 5 1 7 4
2 7 0 5 3 4 1 9 6 8

April search statistics:
Degree 81: 7048232
Degree 82: 1662830
Degree 83: 355313
Degree 84: 67956
Degree 85: 12051
Degree 86: 2128
Degree 87: 275
Degree 88: 27
Degree 89: 2
Degree 90: 0
Degree 100: 0

And overall search statistics:
Degree 81: 32010930
Degree 82: 7533006
Degree 83: 1598245
Degree 84: 304555
Degree 85: 51979
Degree 86: 8578
Degree 87: 1151
Degree 88: 137
Degree 89: 9
Degree 90: 2
Degree 91: 0
Degree 92: 0
Degree 93: 0
Degree 94: 0
Degree 95: 0
Degree 96: 0
Degree 97: 0
Degree 98: 0
Degree 99: 0
Degree 100: 0

Thank you for attention to the project and participation!
ID: 1282 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive     Reply Quote

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Message 1283 - Posted: 2 May 2020, 3:55:14 UTC - in response to Message 1282.  

122839 workunits were completed and the search has crossed the 80% mark!

Are you planning to run more workunits after the current research is done?
ID: 1283 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive     Reply Quote
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Message 1284 - Posted: 2 May 2020, 10:02:55 UTC - in response to Message 1283.  

Hello Stiwi!
122839 workunits were completed and the search has crossed the 80% mark!

Are you planning to run more workunits after the current research is done?

No. Another research may be launched, but after break. We plan to generate 1024000 workunits in this search.
ID: 1284 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive     Reply Quote

Message boards : News : April 2020 totals

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