Happy New Year!

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Joined: 11 Aug 17
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Message 1237 - Posted: 31 Dec 2019, 18:49:01 UTC

Dear participants!

On September 24, we made a report about RakeSearch project in the conference Russian Supercomputing Days'2019. Our paper about it was included in an issue of Communications in Computer and Information Science, volume 1129. Due to copyright limitations, we cannot put the full text into public access, but we place a link into the personal account page of any participant who passed the 5000 Cobblestones milestone of the total credit.

Thank you for participation!
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Joined: 11 Aug 17
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Message 1238 - Posted: 1 Jan 2020, 18:15:08 UTC

Hi folks!

This is a suitable time for December 2019 totals also! 85812 workunits were completed, more than one thousand - with degree >= 86, but without results with degree >= 89.

Statistics of December findings:
Degree 81: 3818480
Degree 82: 917509
Degree 83: 200920
Degree 84: 39244
Degree 85: 6817
Degree 86: 1062
Degree 87: 140
Degree 88: 34
Degree 89: 0
Degree 100: 0

And overall search statistics at now:
Degree 81: 13894687
Degree 82: 3297818
Degree 83: 701533
Degree 84: 134540
Degree 85: 22476
Degree 86: 3543
Degree 87: 433
Degree 88: 73
Degree 89: 7
Degree 90: 2
Degree 91: 0
Degree 100: 0

And of course, we congratulate lucky participants, computers of whoose find a "permutational" pairs with degree of orthogonality >= 86:
rz and [AF>Amis des Lapins] Phil1966 (L'Alliance Francophone),
Nex and KWSN-SpongeBob SquarePants (The Knights Who Say Ni!),
bru and [AF>Kirass>MPF] Nafrayou (L'Alliance Francophone),
KySU and Byron Leigh Hatch @ team Carl Sagan (Carl Sagan),
Igal and [AF>Occitania]franky82 (L'Alliance Francophone),
Ofer and [AF>Libristes]cguillem (L'Alliance Francophone),
rece and Sobolev Yevgeniy Viktorovich (Gridcoin),
Mite and [AF] Skinny06 (L'Alliance Francophone),
Geoff and darclaw (Sorry for Grand Ol' Partying),
Klyon and Technik007[CZ] (Czech National Team),
ladmo and Michael H.W. Weber (Rechenkraft.net),
Frank and zelandonii (L'Alliance Francophone),
arkiss and Steve Dodd (The Planetary Society),
raddoc and LeChat51X (L'Alliance Francophone),
Dennis and Duce H_K_ (L'Alliance Francophone),
Dakkar and Thyler Durden@P3D (Planet 3DNow!),
Progger and Bazooka_CZ (Czech National Team),
Leonmer and Johannes Elsner (Planet 3DNow!),
mcf2020 and Cruncher Pete (BOINC@AUSTRALIA),
zgf2022 and Bill F (Worldwide TechServices),
Achtung and joe carnivore (Rechenkraft.net),
yuryInOz and AlexA[boinc.ru] (Russia Team),
AudioElf and Wabi CZ (Czech National Team),
Bloodnok and Bigos2 (Czech National Team),
kavamaken and Shaman (Czech National Team),
koronabora and ShmyaCluster (Crystal Dream),
Mark Sechin and killik (Czech National Team),
Bok (SETI.USA) and boceli (Czech National Team),
ichikawa-osamu and respawner (Rechenkraft.net),
AKolesnichenko and Ralfy (BOINC Confederation),
Alexey Chuharev and Astronomy.Karelia (Karelia),
FourOh (SETI.USA) and [B@P] Daniel (BOINC@Poland),
JohanL (BOINC.BE) and JLSchro* (Sicituradastra.),
Casey ([H]ardOCP) and BritishBob (Overclock.net),
Oleg (Russia Team) and [SG-FC] oki (SETI.Germany),
Dante (TSC! Russia) and Megabeowulf (SETI.Germany),
marsinph (BOINC.BE) and Chara34122 (Crystal Dream),
Werinbert (Free-DC) and Boogyman Munster (US NAVY),
LievenHS (BOINC.BE) and ReaDy (Astronomy.Ru Forum),
fix (Crystal Dream) and bcavnaugh (Crunching@EVGA),
KR Center (Karelia) and GALAX-ZERO (Planet 3DNow!),
genek (BOINC@Poland) and MechWarrior (Ars Technica),
Derivator (Gridcoin) and [SG]steini (SETI.Germany),
JonS (UK BOINC Team) and Sengieffe (UK BOINC Team),
conf [MM] (SETI.USA) and Vincent Dark (Team China),
William Lathan (USA) and HK-Steve (Crunching@EVGA),
jozef j (Russia Team) and KPX (Czech National Team),
citerra (Russia Team) and Roadranner (SETI.Germany),
V0d01ey (TSC! Russia) and hoarfrost (Crystal Dream),
Administrator {11320} and Denis Filimonov (Ukraine),
Rustelo (Russia Team) and Diffident (Overclock.net),
pons66 (SETI.Germany) and LCB001 (Hardware Canucks),
RFGuy_KCCO ([H]ardOCP) and hase (SETI-team-hannover),
No_Name (SETI.Germany) and CoolAtchOk (Russia Team),
JagDoc (Planet 3DNow!) and zombie67 [MM] (SETI.USA),
blitzzkreeg (Gridcoin) and n2morrow (SETIKAH@KOREA),
BOINC.RU (Russia Team) and Bulgakoff* (Russia Team),
Soderstromm (Gridcoin) and kim-b-h (BOINC@Denmark),
whizbang (Ars Technica) and Tomislaw (BOINC@Poland),
MontanaMax (Team China) and marmuglia (BOINC.Italy),
Spritex (BOINC@Denmark) and shirawa@meow (Team 2ch),
genseed (Crystal Dream) and Soulfly (BOINC@Denmark),
427jmf (Crunching@EVGA) and Dr Who Fan (BOINCstats).

Thank you for participation and attention to the project!
ID: 1238 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive     Reply Quote

Message boards : News : Happy New Year!

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