August 2019 totals

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Message 1163 - Posted: 2 Sep 2019, 18:46:35 UTC

Dear participants!

Autumn has come again but, summer left a lot of gifts and one of the most glorious is an apple! Badge with this symbol of summer was granted to each participant, which computers found at least one pair with the degree of orthogonality higher or equal 86 at the start of new search - in July and August.

We congratulate the following participants:

KySU and Carl-Theodor Geilhufe (HfTL - Hochschule für Telekommunikation Leipzig),
Dima and [AF>France>TDM>Picardie>Oise] docmic92 (L'Alliance Francophone),
Pepo and [AF>Amis des Lapins] Phil1966 (L'Alliance Francophone),
terry and [AF>Amis des Lapins] chapam (L'Alliance Francophone),
Frank and [DPC]Division_Brabant~Cow_tipping (Dutch Power Cows),
ALI67 and KWSN-SpongeBob SquarePants (The Knights Who Say Ni!),
clete and [AF>France>Savoie] Tutu1986 (L'Alliance Francophone),
Игорь and [AF>Amis des Lapins] Ceclo (L'Alliance Francophone),
arkiss and [AF>WildWildWest]Sebastien (L'Alliance Francophone),
Heikki and Byron Leigh Hatch @ team Carl Sagan (Carl Sagan),
raddoc and [AF>Libristes]MortelKni (L'Alliance Francophone),
{11316} and [AF>Occitania]franky82 (L'Alliance Francophone),
Progger and [AF>Libristes]cguillem (L'Alliance Francophone),
zgf2022 and [AF>EDLS] Jakez Sulli (L'Alliance Francophone),
inugamikoubou@hangul and Shaman (Czech National Team),
Boliver and Sobolev Yevgeniy Viktorovich (Gridcoin),
Leonmer and Michael H.W. Weber (,
Franklin and samuraiii (The Knights Who Say Ni!),
Solo Man and zelandonii (L'Alliance Francophone),
dabarlow and LeChat51X (L'Alliance Francophone),
DRandolph and Steve Dodd (The Planetary Society),
Pagliacci and Thyler Durden@P3D (Planet 3DNow!),
blaircart and Rhodan71 (L'Alliance Francophone),
koronabora and EarlyBird@Zircons (BOINC@Taiwan),
yippee0226 and Matthias Lehmkuhl (SETI.Germany),
cjc_in_484 and KAMCOBILL (X Grubbers Kick Ass),
Mark Sechin and owensse (The Planetary Society),
Kevin (USA) and Jerzy_Przytocki (BOINC@Poland),
fragamemnon and arjanscholl (Dutch Power Cows),
Martin Droppa and BlisteringSheep (Ars Technica),
[B^S]ABoskovich and Fateev Aleksey (SETIKAH@KOREA),
Skyman (Ukraine) and Wabi CZ (Czech National Team),
FourOh (SETI.USA) and fax ( Team),
Casey ([H]ardOCP) and killik (Czech National Team),
STE\/E (BlackOps) and DoctorNow (BOINC@Heidelberg),
Buga1 (Calm Chaos) and Lee Hee Lak (SETIKAH@KOREA),
NeoGen (AMD Users) and respawner (,
philip-in-hongkong and Rudy Toody (TeAm AnandTech),
fix (Crystal Dream) and Ralfy (BOINC Confederation),
cc-smokey (CC-Team) and [B@P] Daniel (BOINC@Poland),
Werinbert (Free-DC) and bcavnaugh (Crunching@EVGA),
Gusek (Russia Team) and ReaDy (Astronomy.Ru Forum),
AGG (Crystal Dream) and Sengieffe (UK BOINC Team),
jrle77 (IPN Mexico) and LCB001 (Hardware Canucks),
morgan (Team Norway) and froggen (BOINC@AUSTRALIA),
axels (SETI.Germany) and [SG]steini (SETI.Germany),
Derivator (Gridcoin) and Vincent Dark (Team China),
Odd-Rod (BOINCstats) and Roadranner (SETI.Germany),
conf [MM] (SETI.USA) and Landjunge (Planet 3DNow!),
Coleslaw ([H]ardOCP) and nabializm (BOINC@Poland),
jozef j (Russia Team) and yuntao.chen (Team China),
Administrator {11096} and JugNut (BOINC@AUSTRALIA),
citerra (Russia Team) and Paulteo (Crunching@EVGA),
lydy1993 (Team China) and CoolAtchOk (Russia Team),
V0d01ey (TSC! Russia) and muzzdiez (SETIKAH@KOREA),
Administrator {11320} and Dr Who Fan (BOINCstats),
Dan Sargent (SETI.USA) and herby44 (Planet 3DNow!),
JagDoc (Planet 3DNow!) and Spritex (BOINC@Denmark),
Timothy Mullican (USA) and Kodeks IT (TSC! Russia),
Gipsel (Planet 3DNow!) and Dario666 (BOINC@Poland),
Soderstromm (Gridcoin) and [B^S] fred (BOINCstats),
SerGiani (Russia Team) and kim-b-h (BOINC@Denmark),
SergOZ (Crystal Dream) and Dingo (BOINC@AUSTRALIA),
zhouyunbo (Team China) and Peter (BOINC@AUSTRALIA),
Dirk Broer (AMD Users) and sergamena (Russia Team),
silicona (Russia Team) and whizbang (Ars Technica),
Natalia (Karelia) and hoarfrost (Crystal Dream),
RFGuy_KCCO ([H]ardOCP).

And some statistics by pairs, based on results received in August and search overall.

A number of pairs broken by the degree of orthogonality (from results received in August):
Degree 81: 1642329
Degree 82: 374405
Degree 83: 75005
Degree 84: 13998
Degree 85: 2212
Degree 86: 351
Degree 87: 47
Degree 88: 8
Degree 89: 0
Degree 100: 0

A number of pairs broken by the degree of orthogonality (over the whole set of results):
Degree 81: 2150927
Degree 82: 496428
Degree 83: 98576
Degree 84: 18982
Degree 85: 2897
Degree 86: 514
Degree 87: 57
Degree 88: 12
Degree 89: 0
Degree 100: 0

Thank you for attention for the project and participation!
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Joined: 11 Aug 17
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Message 1164 - Posted: 6 Sep 2019, 14:48:30 UTC

I also want to add that the badge was based on photo by Ancelin from Pixabay.
ID: 1164 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive     Reply Quote

Message boards : News : August 2019 totals

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