April 2019 totals

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Joined: 11 Aug 17
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Message 933 - Posted: 1 May 2019, 7:52:38 UTC

Dear participants!

Another month of new high-records! Nine days from top 10 by credit now linked with April, 14094 results with permutational ODLS pairs found during the month, ~18.5% of the entire set of workunits completed, and project progress reached 88.5% mark of completion. We express gratitude to all participants of project and send our congratulations to the most successful searchers:

BotXXX (Dutch Power Cows) and [AF>Libristes]cguillem (L'Alliance Francophone),
JZD and Aurum (Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science),
sarge and Miroslav Splichal (LITOMYSL Boinc Team Czech Republic),
XAVER and [AF>Amis des Lapins] Phil1966 (L'Alliance Francophone),
arkiss and [AF>Amis des Lapins] chapam (L'Alliance Francophone),
zgf2022 and [DPC]Division_Brabant~Cow_tipping (Dutch Power Cows),
rrubtsov and [AF>WildWildWest]Sebastien (L'Alliance Francophone),
matemajor and [DPC]Division_Brabant~ongekend41 (Dutch Power Cows),
Millenium and [AF>Amis des Lapins] Ceclo (L'Alliance Francophone),
Hartmut 53 and [DPC]Division_Brabant~Totalmind (Dutch Power Cows),
HighTech67 and [DPC]_Fatal_Error_Group~Bubbles (Dutch Power Cows),
mike765321 and [AF>Kirass>MPF] Nafrayou (L'Alliance Francophone),
AlexxSaigon and [DPC]Division_Brabant~grass460 (Dutch Power Cows),
WTBroughton and [AF>Kirass>MPF] Kikiphil (L'Alliance Francophone),
EG (SETI.USA) and [AF>Libristes]MortelKni (L'Alliance Francophone),
Bok (SETI.USA) and jiri kovar (LITOMYSL Boinc Team Czech Republic),
Bryan (SETI.USA) and [AF>Occitania]franky82 (L'Alliance Francophone),
FourOh (SETI.USA) and Международная база наблюдений комет (Karelia),
frankhagen (gigo) and Karelian Center for Gender Studies (Karelia),
saiz (Team China) and [AF>HFR>RR] alipse (L'Alliance Francophone),
Casey ([H]ardOCP) and [AF] mAxYmUs83 (L'Alliance Francophone),
NeoGen (AMD Users) and [RKN]SebastianBerlin (Rechenkraft.net),
Oleg (Russia Team) and [AF] Skinny06 (L'Alliance Francophone),
-jb- (SETI.Germany) and Hank Sparrow (The Scottish Boinc Team),
Werinbert (Free-DC) and Skywalker@Athens (Macedonia is Greek!),
ИСУ ПБиОТ (Karelia) and [AF>EDLS]GuL (L'Alliance Francophone),
KR Center (Karelia) and Michael H.W. Weber (Rechenkraft.net),
Kodeks IT (Karelia) and VictordeHollander (Dutch Power Cows),
cc-smokey (CC-Team) and Hal Bregg (The Scottish Boinc Team),
Lamoline (BOINC.BE) and physics_engineer (Dutch Power Cows),
Inya (SETI.Germany) and Egon olsen (Meisterkuehler.de Team),
Francis Butts (USA) and LeChat51X (L'Alliance Francophone),
Priller ([H]ardOCP) and Steve Dodd (The Planetary Society),
JayPi (SETI.Germany) and Thyler Durden@P3D (Planet 3DNow!),
VogeL (SETI.Germany) and Тестовая учетная запись (Karelia),
purplecfh (SETI.USA) and Plejaden (Boinc Team Gruppe 2004),
axels (SETI.Germany) and Exnihilo Curatio (Crunching@EVGA),
JonS (UK BOINC Team) and Rhodan71 (L'Alliance Francophone),
morgan (Team Norway) and BetelgeuseFive (Dutch Power Cows),
conf [MM] (SETI.USA) and dpc_kluizenaar (Dutch Power Cows),
mimeq (BOINC@Poland) and Henk Haneveld (Dutch Power Cows),
Coleslaw ([H]ardOCP) and cyrusNGC_224@P3D (Planet 3DNow!),
phoenicis ([H]ardOCP) and [SG]KidDoesCrunch (SETI.Germany),
taurec (SETI.Germany) and cineon_lut [BlackOps] (SETI.USA),
jozef j (Russia Team) and joe carnivore (Rechenkraft.net),
whowhere (AUGE@BOINC) and owensse (The Planetary Society),
Topper (SETI.Germany) and Johannes Elsner (Planet 3DNow!),
RoE187 (SETI.Germany) and [SG-FC]schilli74 (SETI.Germany),
Gaucho (SETI.Germany) and [SG-FC] dingdong (SETI.Germany),
citerra (Russia Team) and michael-u5a1 (BOINC@Heidelberg),
xoltar (SETI.Germany) and BlisteringSheep (Ars Technica),
MacRuh (SETI.Germany) and Sergey Zhikhorev (Russia Team),
lydy1993 (Team China) and harrykac (Czech National Team),
Wizardling (Dopefish) and [DPC] hansR (Dutch Power Cows),
genseed (Russia Team) and Dylan111111 (Dutch Power Cows),
necavi (BOINC@Poland) and eLPeCKo (Czech National Team),
Conan (Cobar Spiders) and manni.deutsch (Planet 3DNow!),
RFGuy_KCCO ([H]ardOCP) and WishMaster (Dutch Power Cows),
VietOZ (XtremeSystems) and http://vk.com/boinc (Karelia),
emoga (TeAm AnandTech) and Птицы Петрозаводска (Karelia),
MPG (Dutch Power Cows) and Artificial (Dutch Power Cows),
JagDoc (Planet 3DNow!) and Dmitriy Otroschenko (Ukraine),
FritzB (Planet 3DNow!) and [DPC]Romeo (Dutch Power Cows),
Gipsel (Planet 3DNow!) and Bigos2 (Czech National Team),
heizer (Planet 3DNow!) and pianpian5083 (SETIKAH@KOREA),
denjoR (Planet 3DNow!) and Qazwaplol (Dutch Power Cows),
GLeeM (TeAm AnandTech) and Xanquezer (Dutch Power Cows),
Soderstromm (Gridcoin) and marvelthetook (Ars Technica),
Timothy Mullican (USA) and Shaman (Czech National Team),
sorcrosc (BOINC.Italy) and PDW (OcUK - Overclockers UK),
SEARCHER (BOINC@Pfalz) and polarbeardj (Crunching@EVGA),
Argento (BOINC@Poland) and boceli (Czech National Team),
OldChap (XtremeSystems) and killik (Czech National Team),
Woodles (UK BOINC Team) and Theadalus (Dutch Power Cows),
twcm (Dutch Power Cows) and [SG-2W]Kurzer (SETI.Germany),
Stiwi (Rechenkraft.net) and [SGa]HeNiNnG (SETI.Germany),
Freezing (SETI.Germany) and Tatka (Czech National Team),
Hoshione (SETI.Germany) and fabianf1 (Dutch Power Cows),
СУНТД Карелия (Karelia) and p3d-cluster (Planet 3DNow!),
mmonnin (Overclock.net) and arctic light (SETI.Germany),
kashi (BOINC@AUSTRALIA) and Pjotr Panski (SETI.Germany),
Brian Minear (SETI.USA) and [SG]Jeeper74 (SETI.Germany),
427jmf (Crunching@EVGA) and Panzer_V (Dutch Power Cows),
Opolis (Crunching@EVGA) and Astronomy.Karelia (Karelia),
daniel.sawitzki@gmx.net and RichardB (Dutch Power Cows),
Chipotle (Ars Technica) and Skivelitis2 (Overclock.net),
Spritex (BOINC@Denmark) and Suicyder (Dutch Power Cows),
Shmya-2 (Crystal Dream) and Rudy Toody (TeAm AnandTech),
Dr Who Fan (BOINCstats) and [SG] ronaldo (SETI.Germany),
Crunch3r (BOINC United) and Fribbler (Dutch Power Cows),
sergamena (Russia Team) and Destrega (Dutch Power Cows),
glennpat (XtremeSystems) and [B@P] Daniel (BOINC@Poland),
zombie67 [MM] (SETI.USA) and Ralfy (BOINC Confederation),
Dennis-TW (SETI.Germany) and respawner (Rechenkraft.net),
pschoefer (SETI.Germany) and stoneageman (XtremeSystems),
Damic (Dutch Power Cows) and Arjant2 (Dutch Power Cows),
XSmeagolX (SETI.Germany) and RobertN (Dutch Power Cows),
[SG] h3px (SETI.Germany) and KEESsie (Dutch Power Cows),
LordNord (Planet 3DNow!) and FlyD4wn (Dutch Power Cows),
HenkM (Dutch Power Cows) and BritishBob (Overclock.net),
declis (Rechenkraft.net) and nexiagsi16v (SETI.Germany),
Crack (Dutch Power Cows) and alfRKnet (Rechenkraft.net),
JugNut (BOINC@AUSTRALIA) and rodikal (Dutch Power Cows),
Eelke (Dutch Power Cows) and csbyseti (Rechenkraft.net),
Jules (Dutch Power Cows) and ReaDy (Astronomy.Ru Forum),
Jaari (Dutch Power Cows) and bcavnaugh (Crunching@EVGA),
Coca-Cola (SETI.Germany) and Besessener (Planet 3DNow!),
A-Jay (Dutch Power Cows) and Rubencs (Dutch Power Cows),
trebotuet (SETI.Germany) and GALAX-ZERO (Planet 3DNow!),
Jelle (Dutch Power Cows) and DukeBox (Dutch Power Cows),
muzzdiez (SETIKAH@KOREA) and Dark Angel (XtremeSystems),
CoolAtchOk (Russia Team) and [SG-FC] oki (SETI.Germany),
Landjunge (Planet 3DNow!) and desktop64 (desktop64@home),
Server (Dutch Power Cows) and crashtech (TeAm AnandTech),
bluestang (XtremeSystems) and [SG-FC]shka (SETI.Germany),
Roadranner (SETI.Germany) and [SG]steini (SETI.Germany),
Edward (Dutch Power Cows) and Sengieffe (UK BOINC Team),
PC-COLLEGE (SETI.Germany) and urbanknight (Russia Team),
SG-Booster (SETI.Germany) and Xesxen (Dutch Power Cows),
Vincent Dark (Team China) and [SG] Felix (SETI.Germany),
LCB001 (Hardware Canucks) and Hog555 (Dutch Power Cows),
ChelseaOilman ([H]ardOCP) and HK-Steve (Crunching@EVGA),
Aksnes (Dutch Power Cows) and hase (SETI-team-hannover),
Natalia (Karelia) and hoarfrost (Crystal Dream),
CptnIX (Dutch Power Cows).

Thank you for attention and participation!
Happy crunching!
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Message boards : News : April 2019 totals

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