Results of the first half of January 2019!

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Message 697 - Posted: 15 Jan 2019, 22:30:08 UTC

Dear folks!

New Year and holidays! Many people who traveled in Karelia in these days returned home with memories about the magic of coniferous forests, deep star-filled sky, Ruskeala, and other fascinating views of winter nature. Snow and ice - main painters and architects of nature of this time. Thousands of years ago they created many landscape details that we can view now... and left. Ice Age is over. But they back every winter to building of ice bridges, decoration forest, and form of huge snow drifts - for storing water, that very need for life after spring prompting. But what is snow? Snow is ice also! Millions and billions tiny and beautiful ice crystals that form in the atmosphere and gently lowering to the ground. Snowflake! Snowflake unites snow and ice and became the symbol of this month!

Many interesting facts about snowflakes you can read at Dr. Kenneth G. Libbrecht site - One of the photographs from this site became a badge (with the permission of the author) with which we congratulate the following 183 participants:

JZD and [AF>Amis des Lapins] Phil1966 (L'Alliance Francophone),
fix and [DPC]Division_Brabant~Cow_tipping (Dutch Power Cows),
gato and [AF>Amis des Lapins] Ceclo (L'Alliance Francophone),
Igal and [AF>Libristes]MortelKni (L'Alliance Francophone),
adams and jiri kovar (LITOMYSL Boinc Team Czech Republic),
ladmo and [AF>Libristes]cguillem (L'Alliance Francophone),
Heikki and [AF>Libristes] Elorak (L'Alliance Francophone),
raddoc and Karelian Center for Gender Studies (Karelia),
Server and [AF>HFR>RR] alipse (L'Alliance Francophone),
arkiss and scole of TSBT (The Scottish Boinc Team),
Arbnos and Pavel_Kirpichenko (Astronomy.Ru Forum),
newblar and Skywalker@Athens (Macedonia is Greek!),
hajaumea and [AF] Skinny06 (L'Alliance Francophone),
matemajor and Michael H.W. Weber (,
Andreas64 and Egon olsen ( Team),
Millenium and Steve Dodd (The Planetary Society),
Sengieffe and LeChat51X (L'Alliance Francophone),
Drumheller and Thyler Durden@P3D (Planet 3DNow!),
Hartmut 53 and Rhodan71 (L'Alliance Francophone),
HighTech67 and [SG]KidDoesCrunch (SETI.Germany),
WTBroughton and UBT - Mikeejones (UK BOINC Team),
Michael Polla and [DPC]Blah.NET (Dutch Power Cows),
User (Karelia) and EarlyBird@Zircons (BOINC@Taiwan),
Bok (SETI.USA) and Matthias Lehmkuhl (SETI.Germany),
shiva (SETI.USA) and Johannes Elsner (Planet 3DNow!),
frankhagen (gigo) and joe carnivore (,
ale4316 (Ukraine) and [SG-FC]schilli74 (SETI.Germany),
saiz (Team China) and owensse (The Planetary Society),
Casey ([H]ardOCP) and [DPC] hansR (Dutch Power Cows),
FourOh (SETI.USA) and BlisteringSheep (Ars Technica),
pututu ([H]ardOCP) and Sergey Zhikhorev (Russia Team),
kekkonen (Karelia) and Alez (The Scottish Boinc Team),
ID4 (SETI.Germany) and Птицы Петрозаводска (Karelia),
KR Center (Karelia) and eLPeCKo (Czech National Team),
Louis (CANAL@Boinc) and entigy (Team England (Boinc)),
Werinbert (Free-DC) and (Karelia),
Jeff17 (BOINCstats) and boceli (Czech National Team),
Kodeks IT (Karelia) and ERBrouwer (Dutch Power Cows),
europe64 (europe64) and PDW (OcUK - Overclockers UK),
-jb- (SETI.Germany) and Uwe-Bergstedt (SETI.Germany),
Inya (SETI.Germany) and Shaman (Czech National Team),
Odd-Rod (BOINCstats) and killik (Czech National Team),
conf [MM] (SETI.USA) and [SG-2W]Kurzer (SETI.Germany),
Coleslaw ([H]ardOCP) and planetclown (Crunching@EVGA),
morgan (Team Norway) and Bigos2 (Czech National Team),
axels (SETI.Germany) and polarbeardj (Crunching@EVGA),
el_teniente (Russia) and [SG]MichaelR. (SETI.Germany),
purplecfh (SETI.USA) and fax ( Team),
JonS (UK BOINC Team) and Ralfy (BOINC Confederation),
MacRuh (SETI.Germany) and Kosta (Czech National Team),
Topper (SETI.Germany) and MaxAMD400 (,
Nexuss (SETI.Germany) and Pjotr Panski (SETI.Germany),
Conan (Cobar Spiders) and [B@P] Daniel (BOINC@Poland),
cluster-krc (Karelia) and [SG] ronaldo (SETI.Germany),
Fornax (SETI.Germany) and UBT - Timbo (UK BOINC Team),
Gaucho (SETI.Germany) and Skivelitis2 (,
Beyond (Ars Technica) and arctic light (SETI.Germany),
pons66 (SETI.Germany) and [SGa]HeNiNnG (SETI.Germany),
lydy1993 (Team China) and robbysites (Crunching@EVGA),
Mumps [MM] (SETI.USA) and Astronomy.Karelia (Karelia),
jozef j (Russia Team) and BritishBob (,
taurec (SETI.Germany) and [SG-FC]shka (SETI.Germany),
RoE187 (SETI.Germany) and bcavnaugh (Crunching@EVGA),
whowhere (AUGE@BOINC) and ReaDy (Astronomy.Ru Forum),
yodap (Crunching@EVGA) and nexiagsi16v (SETI.Germany),
JohnMD (BOINC@Denmark) and [SG-FC] oki (SETI.Germany),
VietOZ (XtremeSystems) and RobertN (Dutch Power Cows),
Dan Sargent (SETI.USA) and PC-COLLEGE (SETI.Germany),
Luigi R. (BOINC.Italy) and Landjunge (Planet 3DNow!),
Argento (BOINC@Poland) and LCB001 (Hardware Canucks),
GLeeM (TeAm AnandTech) and SG-Booster (SETI.Germany),
SergOZ (Crystal Dream) and BlackGoose05 (Team Biss!),
Timothy Mullican (USA) and Adam J Bavier ([H]ardOCP),
JagDoc (Planet 3DNow!) and [SG] Felix (SETI.Germany),
RFGuy_KCCO ([H]ardOCP) and Roadranner (SETI.Germany),
Natalia (Crystal Dream) and hoarfrost (Crystal Dream),
Gipsel (Planet 3DNow!) and KPX (Czech National Team),
Dario666 (BOINC@Poland) and HK-Steve (Crunching@EVGA),
Chipotle (Ars Technica) and Vincent Dark (Team China),
Uli2* (Sicituradastra.) and freestman (Chinese Dream),
zzuupp (TeAm AnandTech) and ankyungha (SETIKAH@KOREA),
herby44 (Planet 3DNow!) and glennpat (XtremeSystems),
sergamena (Russia Team) and CoolAtchOk (Russia Team),
Shmya-2 (Crystal Dream) and Dennis-TW (SETI.Germany),
Dingo (BOINC@AUSTRALIA) and declis (,
СУНТД Карелия (Karelia) and pschoefer (SETI.Germany),
Crunch3r (BOINC United) and XSmeagolX (SETI.Germany),
Hoshione (SETI.Germany) and n2morrow (SETIKAH@KOREA),
kashi (BOINC@AUSTRALIA) and Scoope (,
Freezing (SETI.Germany) and HenkM (Dutch Power Cows),
whizbang (Ars Technica) and Paulteo (Crunching@EVGA),
ssjy806 (SETIKAH@KOREA).

And of course, thank you for all participants for a donation of CPU time and attention to the project!
Also, we send our congratulations to Ralfy - the first participant who return to the # 1 of rank by total credit, and SETI.USA - that overtake Ars Technica team and led the teams ranking.

Happy crunching!
ID: 697 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive     Reply Quote
Michael Polla

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Message 698 - Posted: 21 Jan 2019, 19:41:39 UTC - in response to Message 697.  
Last modified: 21 Jan 2019, 19:41:54 UTC

Thank you ! Very happy to have this nice badge :-) . And the website is interesting with beautiful pictures !
ID: 698 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive     Reply Quote
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Message 699 - Posted: 23 Jan 2019, 10:00:43 UTC - in response to Message 698.  
Last modified: 3 Feb 2019, 12:08:40 UTC

Hello Michael!

Thank you ! Very happy to have this nice badge :-) . And the website is interesting with beautiful pictures !

Good news! In this month may no record high by the number of processed workunits is set, but there are a lot of participants is active!
ID: 699 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive     Reply Quote

Message boards : News : Results of the first half of January 2019!

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