Peacock butterfly and first half of August 2018

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Message 559 - Posted: 17 Aug 2018, 3:50:15 UTC
Last modified: 2 Oct 2018, 7:11:27 UTC

Dear folks!

The August Sun falls faster and faster over the horizon and like a butterfly, summer prepares to fly up and hide into Karelian lakes, forests and rivers. Peacock butterfly will be a symbol of this month! Since the beginning of the months 1434 results with "permutational" ODLS pairs were found by 156 participants and we congratulate:

CoolAtchOk (Russia Team) and [SG-FC]shka (SETI.Germany),
Beyond (Ars Technica) and vanos0512 (BOINC@Taiwan),
boceli (Czech National Team) and yoyo_rkn (,
DooKey ([H]ardOCP) and cineon_lut [BlackOps] (SETI.USA),
BritishBob ( and JonS (UK BOINC Team),
HK-Steve (Crunching@EVGA) and bfromcolo (,
arkiss and [AF>Amis des Lapins] Phil1966 (L'Alliance Francophone),
Bryan (SETI.USA) and csbyseti (,
HenkM (Dutch Power Cows) and purplecfh (SETI.USA),
10esseeTony (TeAm AnandTech) and JagDoc (Planet 3DNow!),
FourOh (SETI.USA) and glennpat (XtremeSystems),
saiz (Team China) and phoenicis ([H]ardOCP),
MPG (Dutch Power Cows) and Mumps [MM] (SETI.USA),
[AF>Amis des Lapins] Ceclo (L'Alliance Francophone) and Millenium,
forest (Czech National Team) and bcavnaugh (Crunching@EVGA),
Ralfy (BOINC Confederation) and xii5ku (TeAm AnandTech),
Sergey Zhikhorev (Russia Team) and EG (SETI.USA),
tayunz ([H]ardOCP) and Kiska (TeAm AnandTech),
Ken_g6 (TeAm AnandTech) and atp1916 ([H]ardOCP),
Gibson Praise (Picard) and Dmitriy Otroschenko (Ukraine),
Finrond ( and OldChap (XtremeSystems),
[AF>Amis des Lapins] Xe120 (L'Alliance Francophone) and Progger,
Yi-Ming Wang (Team China) and Rhodan71 (L'Alliance Francophone),
Matthias Lehmkuhl (SETI.Germany) and PecosRiverM (XtremeSystems),
LCB001 (Hardware Canucks) and crashtech (TeAm AnandTech),
eisler jiri (Czech National Team) and stoneageman (XtremeSystems),
VietOZ (XtremeSystems) and [DPC] hansR (Dutch Power Cows),
Theadalus (Dutch Power Cows) and [B@P] Daniel (BOINC@Poland),
runs2far ([H]ardOCP) and mmonnin (,
RFGuy_KCCO ([H]ardOCP) and Sphynx (SETI.USA),
Steve Dodd (The Planetary Society) and Vincent Dark (Team China),
Skivelitis2 ( and ChelseaOilman ([H]ardOCP),
Howdy2u2 (TeAm AnandTech) and bigsinky (UK BOINC Team),
herby44 (Planet 3DNow!) and DrPop [BlackOps] (SETI.USA),
europe64 (europe64) and rimmer66 (UK BOINC Team),
Kerian ( and yodap (Crunching@EVGA),
nenym (Czech National Team) and tcd ( Team),
hoppisaur (Ars Technica) and Landjunge (Planet 3DNow!),
[H]Skillz ([H]ardOCP) and Thyler Durden@P3D (Planet 3DNow!),
Hartmut 53 and [AF>Kirass>MPF] Kikiphil (L'Alliance Francophone),
biodoc (TeAm AnandTech) and [B^S] fred (BOINCstats),
harrykac (Czech National Team) and Casey ([H]ardOCP),
nabializm (BOINC@Poland) and ReaDy (Astronomy.Ru Forum),
sergamena (Russia Team) and PDW (OcUK - Overclockers UK),
Gipsel (Planet 3DNow!) and motqalden ([H]ardOCP),
Johannes Elsner (Planet 3DNow!) and Crunch3r (BOINC United),
[AF>Kirass>MPF] Nafrayou (L'Alliance Francophone) and adams,
CNT - CIMRMAN (Czech National Team) and robbysites (Crunching@EVGA),
firstomega ( and Alez (The Scottish Boinc Team),
[AF>Libristes]cguillem (L'Alliance Francophone) and MorAlex (Karelia),
KR Center (Karelia) and MindCrime (SETI.USA),
MixManSC ([H]ardOCP) and freestman (Chinese Dream),
BlisteringSheep (Ars Technica) and NOSTROMUS (Catalunya),
Sengieffe and [af>libristes] tristesire (L'Alliance Francophone),
ext2097 (SETIKAH@KOREA) and owensse (The Planetary Society),
HA-SOFT, s.r.o. (Czech National Team) and Jeff17 (BOINCstats),
MajkPascal (BOINC@Poland) and Dingo (BOINC@AUSTRALIA),
User (Karelia) and [AF>Libristes]MortelKni (L'Alliance Francophone),
Adam J Bavier ([H]ardOCP) and conf [MM] (SETI.USA),
meadoel (BOINCstats) and citerra (Russia Team),
Michael H.W. Weber ( and SerGiani (Russia Team),
joe carnivore (Planet 3DNow!) and Luigi R. (BOINC.Italy),
DarkEagle75 ([H]ardOCP) and JakubH (Czech National Team),
respawner ( and Shaman (Czech National Team),
Pjotr Panski (SETI.Germany) and Werinbert (Free-DC), (Karelia) and okuzonosb (Team China),
Shmya-2 (Crystal Dream) and alnitak2019 ([H]ardOCP),
Pete Broad (BOINC Synergy) and hoarfrost (Crystal Dream),
[AF>Belgique]Mamouth (L'Alliance Francophone) and tehhustler,
tiker and KWSN-SpongeBob SquarePants (The Knights Who Say Ni!),
morgan (Team Norway) and Kwartet! (Dutch Power Cows),
Conan (Cobar Spiders) and declis (,
Philip (OZ Crunchers) and pestis (Czech National Team),
polarbeardj (Crunching@EVGA) and pah (L'Alliance Francophone),
Bruce Kennedy (BOINCstats) and ShmyaCluster (Crystal Dream),
Daniel (BOINC@AUSTRALIA) and lydy1993 (Team China),
Chipotle (Ars Technica) and entigy (Team England (Boinc)),
GLeeM (TeAm AnandTech) and KPX (Czech National Team).

Thank you for attention to the project and happy crunching!
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Message 560 - Posted: 18 Aug 2018, 15:59:22 UTC

And I got my second badge, great!
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Adam J Bavier

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Message 561 - Posted: 18 Aug 2018, 21:52:21 UTC

Awesome, I found one this month! Cool.
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Message 564 - Posted: 19 Aug 2018, 6:49:12 UTC

Very good! And good luck!
ID: 564 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive     Reply Quote
Profile nabializm

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Message 565 - Posted: 19 Aug 2018, 15:51:45 UTC

Good Job!

My result:
Total pairs found: 2
Total squares with pairs: 2
Total pairs found: 1
Total squares with pairs: 1

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Message boards : News : Peacock butterfly and first half of August 2018

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