Members of SETI.Germany

NameTotal creditRecent average creditCountry
41) Thalix 174 0.10 Germany
42) Daniel Beer (Unity of Man) 55,499 0.10 Germany
43) ArekHas 304 0.10 International
44) GridFighter 171,453 0.10 International
45) schensi 13,555 0.10 Papua New Guinea
46) fk_muck1 5,824 0.10 Austria
47) Coca-Cola 63,217 0.10 Germany
48) Cealor 1,684 0.10 Germany
49) [SG]steini 1,999,927 0.10 Germany
50) Jensie 7,573 0.10 Germany
51) pi 8,811 0.10 International
52) bozz4science 6,069 0.10 Germany
53) Simon Kern 883 0.10 Germany
54) Megabeowulf 2,852 0.10 Germany
55) nexiagsi16v 1,345,538 0.10 Germany
56) Derivator 1,744,986 0.10 International
57) Uwe.Heimann 254 0.10 International
58) [SG-FC] oki 2,891,582 0.09 Germany
59) -jb- 5,185,391 0.09 Germany
60) nebelhorn 152 0.09 International
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