Project status

Server status

Program Host Status
Download server Running
Upload server Running
Scheduler humpback Running
feeder humpback Running
transitioner humpback Running
file_deleter humpback Running
sample_bitwise_validator (rake_odls12) humpback Running
sample_assimilator (rake_odls12) humpback Running
sample_bitwise_validator (rake_dlsspectra) humpback Running
sample_assimilator (rake_dlsspectra) humpback Running
sample_bitwise_validator (rake_gsipsdls10) humpback Running
sample_assimilator (rake_gsipsdls10) humpback Running
sample_bitwise_validator (rake_lsspectra) humpback Running
sample_assimilator (rake_lsspectra) humpback Running

Computing status

Research progress

Rake search of diagonal Latin squares of rank 9 (%)100.000
Rake search of diagonal Latin squares of rank 10 (%)100.000
SAT-CMS-based search for orthogonal pairs of DLS of order 10 (%)100.000
Joint search of ODLS9 with Gerasim project (%)100.000
Joint search of ODLS12 with Gerasim project (%)88.861
Joint search of DLS spectra with Gerasim project (%)100.000
Generalized symmetries in parastrophic slices for DLS of order 10 (%)100.000
Search for ODLS of order 10 by lines (%)73.068
Advanced symmetries (%)100.000
DLS spectra approximation (%)100.000
Distributed diagonalization (%)100.000
Expanding spectra using neighborhoods (%)100.000


Tasks ready to send49506
Tasks in progress12684
Workunits waiting for validation0
Workunits waiting for assimilation1
Workunits waiting for file deletion1
Tasks waiting for file deletion1
Transitioner backlog (hours)0.00


With credit2390
With recent credit856
Registered in past 24 hours0


With credit12068
With recent credit3159
Registered in past 24 hours2
Current GigaFLOPS7959.19

Tasks by application

Application Unsent In progress Runtime of last 100 tasks in hours: average, min, max Users in last 24 hours
Joint search of ODLS12 with Gerasim project 16710 2871 0.08 (0 - 6.96) 108
Joint search of DLS spectra with Gerasim project 19751 6366 1.03 (0.01 - 14.99) 116
Generalized symmetries in parastrophic slices for DLS of order 10 13037 3447 0.27 (0.01 - 1.52) 106
Spectra of Latin squares 0 0 --- 0
Server software version: 1.1.0
Database schema version: 27028

Task data as of 20 Jan 2025, 8:27:26 UTC

©2025 The searchers team, Karelian Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences