Last updated 2 Oct 2024, 17:05:02 UTC

PDW ("Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to crunch we go...")
Philip ("Just a cruncher from down under")
Paul ("Hit us up at irc://")
PhilTheNet ("J'aime apprendre, découvrir et être moins bourricot jour après jour :)")
Pavel_Kirpichenko ("Павел Кирпиченко")
planetclown ("I strive to learn more every day about this world we live in. I also contribute under team...")
polarbeardj ("I was born and raised in Alaska but currently live in Texas (Decided to down size a...")
pons66 ("Your personal background. Hi there, I am a chemist and I live in Stuttgart....")
PavolR (""Dve veci ma naplnaju obdivom: mravny zakon v nas a hviezdne nebo nado mnou." Immanuel...")
Piotr Widynski ("High Culture Person, Ancient Chinese Martial Art - skills, Interested in Astrophysics,...")

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