Last updated 20 Dec 2024, 20:45:03 UTC

DoctorNow ("I`m Dirk from the almost world-famous village Beuern near Giessen in Hessen/Deutschland...")
Dingo ("I am an Aussie born in Canada over sixty years ago, lived in Australia most of my life,...")
DrBob ("God bless the United States of America")
Deuce H_K_ ("Je vais bientôt avoir 33 ans et pour la première fois j'ai entendu parler de DC de mon...")
Dune Finkleberry
Dario666 ("I am Dario666 from Poland and I compute for team BOINC@Poland ") ("I‘m Daniel visit my crunching site: Daniel Sawitzki in WorldCommunityGrid on")
Devlin85 ("Computer Enthusiast, Gamer, and Network Engineer/Computer Technician. Team EVGA All The...")

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